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Smart-Comet | SMART COMET Multiplier Event
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SMART COMET Multiplier Event

SMART COMET Multiplier Event

As a result of a 30-month working period, an innovative competence management model supporting professional development has been formed.

SMART COMET project, implemented with the aim of providing a framework that will contribute to enable the vocational education institutions to adapt to the changing labor market in coordination with the metal sector and to provide enterprises manage employees’ competencies more efficiently, was completed.

‘Structural Methods for Competence Management in Metal Sector’ in a short name SMART COMET Project which is in the scope of ‘Full Support for Vocational Education in Turkey’ Project and implemented with the support of grant funds ‘European Union Erasmus Strategic Partnerships” took in a 30-month working period. The project was implemented via the partnership between Turkish Employers Association of Metal Industries (MESS) with the contribution of Ministry of National Education – Directorate General of Vocational and Technical Education, MESS Training Foundation, Dekra Akademie (Germany), FLM Fundacion Laboral Del Metal (Spain). Project which brings together experts from Turkey and Europe supporting sustainable professional development, created an innovative competence management model at the end.

The project consists of two main components

SMART COMET project, which was formed in a holistic structure in order to meet the needs of educational institutions and metal sector, was launched in December 2016. Within the scope of the project, which consists of two main components, the cooperation between schools and metal sector enterprises aimed at making it easier for educational institutions and students to adapt to changing labor market conditions. As part of the project, 23 collaborations were made between 18 MESS member-enterprises and 21 VET school. It was aimed to increase the quality of workforce, which is one of the most important factors of increasing the competitiveness of Turkey and stable improvements of Turkey with the signed protocols and activities carried out during the project. In addition, studies have been made to create a framework that will enable metal enterprises to manage their employee competencies more efficiently and achieve better results in line with their business strategies.

Five study visits took place in 3 countries

Five study visits were carried out in Spain, Germany and Turkey with the purpose of making observations and exchange opinions under this project. The focus of the visits was on the dual vocational education system and key stakeholders forming the system. Managers from different vocational and technical education institutions, relevant technical experts of the metal sector enterprises, human resources representatives, public sector representatives and representatives of the project partners attended the study visits.

Competence management model was created at the end of the project

In addition to study visits, literature reviews, enterprises visits, focus group meetings, analysis studies were carried out and a study report was prepared with the data obtained. At the end of the project, an innovative competence management model for the metal sector, which supports sustainable professional development, was introduced. The model that designs the journey of specialization starting from school education of an individual and from his/her first day in enterprise was created by using ECVET (European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training) tools.

The competence development platform (IT Tool), which was developed to support this model, was designed to enable enterprises to measure, record and monitor employees’ competences.

Experts came together from Europe and Turkey

At the end of the project, “Competence Management and School-Enterprise Model Dissemination Meetings” were held in Ankara and Bursa in order to introduce SMART COMET and its intellectual outputs.

Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, National Agency of Turkey, vocational and technical education experts, representatives of the protocol enterprises, MESS and MESS Training Foundation authorities were participants of the meeting in Ankara. In addition to project outputs, best practices were also discussed at the meeting. Flemish Government Ministry of Education Policy Officer Carl Lamote, and Senior Specialist in VET Policies and Systems Helmut Zelloth, shared information and their opinions on the implementation best practices of the European Union (EU). Türk Traktör and Farming Machines Quality Systems Technical Training Manager, Orhan Yazkan and Arçelik A.Ş Refrigerator and Compressor Enterprise Human Resource Manager Çağlar Taşkın, made presentations on school and enterprise cooperation developed within the scope of the project, and shared their views on the SMART COMET project.

Best practices of the European Union were presented by CENFIM Center of Vocational Training Director Vitor Dias and Specialist in VET and Social Inclusion, Lida Kita at the meeting in Bursa. Bosch Industry Human Resources Senior Manager Şahigan Gurbet, Principal of Nilüfer Atatürk Vocational and Education Anatolian High School Ömer Pınarlı and Ford İhsaniye Vocational School Director Hüseyin Yakup Temur shared best practice examples in the metal sector.

The project outputs disseminated through the website

SMART COMET will be completed after completion of the final report relating to the project with supports by project partners and submitted to the Turkish National Agency.

The outputs of the project published on the website and will be available to all metal sector, enterprises, related institutions and vocational training providers.