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Smart-Comet | Pilot Application
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Pilot Application

  • The booklet is used to observe technical competencies during the practical phase of pilot application. >>...

  • A comprehensive report that includes pilot application phases will be constituted according to the outline. >>...

  • National Qualifications are prepared based upon national and international occupational standards. National qualifications are constituted in order to illustrate the process how to assess related competences and know-how. >>...

  • National Occupational Standard is a minimum norm in terms of required know-how, capability, attitude and approach in order to perform an occupation with success. >>...

  • The machine is used to observe technical competencies during the practical phase of pilot application. >>...

A new competence management model was developed as a project output. A prototype machine was designed and developed to pilot this new competence management model and was used in four different enterprises, all in metal sector. This machine enables to assess technical competencies and although it was used in assessing technical competencies Mechanical Maintenance Operator’s Level 3, it may be used in assessment of different technical competencies.